GICH Pizhon Kashemir Leo, AW WFA-2021

Sire of NobelRiesen Cattery
русская версия

Key information

Date of birth: July 07, 2020

Breed: Maine Coon (MCO)

Colour: ns22 (black silver blotched)

Exposed in the WFA system.

The current title is GICH (grand interchampion).

Tested for the main inherited diseases of the Maine Coon breed:

- hypertrophy of the heart muscle

- spinal muscular atrophy

- hemolytic anemia

All the results of genetic tests (based on a blood test) are negative. It means: does not carry the disease gene, does not get sick and will not pass on to offspring.

Титульный сертификат ICH PIZHON KASHEMIR LEO
Сертификат по генетическим тестам PIZHON KASHEMIR LEO

Main achievements

Results for 2021:

- absolute champion of the WFA system (= Best Cat = the best of the exhibited animals of all breeds and all classes)

- AW-2021 = the best representative of the II category of breeds (semi-long-haired)

- BW-2021 = the best representative of the Maine Coon breed

Twice winner of the Best of Best title at WFA national shows.

Results in the gala show of the WFA system in 2022:

- 4th place among all adult animals

- the best representative of the category

- the best adult maine coon

RCH Barclay NobelRiesen*RU

Sire of NobelRiesen Cattery

Key information

Date of birth: July 08, 2022

Breed: Maine Coon (MCO)

Colour: es11 (cream silver shaded)

Exposed in the WFA system. The current title is RСН (regional champion).

Exposed in the WCF system. The current title is СН (breed champion).

Отец: GICH Pizhon Kashemir Leo, absolute winner of WFA 2021 г (AW WFA is a lifetime title and indicated in the pedigrees), ns22

Мать: CH Bestys Clann Linda, fs

All the results of parent's genetic tests (based on a blood test) are negative. It means: does not carry the disease gene, does not get sick and will not pass on to offspring.

The sire, the father of two litters: F from Circe Mega Boss Magnate*RU и H from CH Assole NobelRiesen*RU.

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